Raphael Sanzio, La Madonna dei garofani (The Madonna of the Carnations - Pinks - Chatron) analyzed under X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (2021).
In order to characterize pigments and materials, several scientific analyses have been performed before the restoration of the Raphael's Madonna Chatron (Madonna dei garofani).
We report the results obtained by chemical and spectroscopic investigation (X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction) performed by Philippe Walter (CNRS / Sorbonne University) assisted by Pauline Deschamps-Kahn (EPHE / C2RMF) [4 campaigns between 2014 and 2021]. The commented study of the pigments is based 1/ on the mapping of chemical elements produced by XRF, 2/ on the discussions we have had with Pauline Deschamps-Kahn and Philippe Walter, 3/ on scientific literature, 4/ and on the stratigraphy observed in the paint degradations under the microscope. The original colors revealed by the restoration (varnish thinning) verified our research. Thanks to the large number of analysis spots (more than 70 spots in 2014, supplemented in 2020 and 2021 by complete captures of several areas of the painting), the investigation's results made it possible to identify most of the chemical components of the paint layer. Dr Laure Chevalier, PhD |